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Definition and Philosophy

Yogic system is a profound science of aligning the geometry of the body to the cosmic geometry. Yoga means union. In the cosmos, we are all ONE. Everything in the universe is energy. In sub-atomic level, we cannot find matter, there is only pure energy. The law of vibration states that everything in the universe, seen or unseen, moves and vibrates at different frequency. Energy is constantly at flow, changing form all the time. Energy is neither destroyed nor created. Everything in the universe is made of the same stuff. It is just present in different forms and shapes.

The difference between the manifestations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual results simply from different levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies.

The way we feel within our bodies affects not only us, but the world beyond. The inner world creates the outer world. When our conscious minds dwell habitually on thoughts of a certain quality, these become firmly imbedded within the subconscious mind. They become the dominant vibration. This dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibration and draw them into our lives.

As everything in the universe vibrates at different rates, various sorts of waves are passing about in the universe. Some waves oppose each other and bring about discord, disharmony and rupture. Some other waves move harmoniously side by side. Then there is peace and harmony.

When two frequencies are brought together, the lower will always rise to meet the higher. This is the principle of resonance. Using this principal of resonance, we can actually increase the speed at which the molecules in our bodies vibrate, through our thoughts of love, joy and gratitude. When atoms slow down, third dimensional matter is created; when they speed up, the higher dimensions of consciousness can be reached. And the higher our consciousness is raised, the closer to Spirit we become.

Humans live by the old saying "seeing is believing". We generate doubt when we do not see. Before the plane was invented, no human believed we could fly. Before it was a "fact", the earth was flat. Most people are looking inside our frame of knowledge, they only relate to what they can see, verify and test. They only use their sensory level to define their frame of knowledge at the time we are living.

If we TRUST the inner self, the root of yoga, and we are ONE, "believing will make us see". The philosophy of TRUST YOGA is to create an environment where everyone learns to trust, believe and be confident of oneself; within family; between teacher and student; between husband and wife; among friends, colleagues, relatives, classmates and others. This positive energy will connect and bond everybody harmoniously.

What is Yoga

Samatavam Yoga Uchyate (2:48 from Bhagavad Gita) : Samatavam is yoga; equanimity is yoga. It means being able to maintain one's balance of mind in success and failure, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, and that is the aptitude of a perfect master who remains equipoised in all circumstances.

Yoga is the art and science of systematically observing, accepting, understanding, and training each of the levels of our being such that we may coordinate and integrate those aspects of ourselves, and dwell in the direct experience of the center of consciousness.

Yoga is a psycho-physical discipline developed in India, roots back to about 5,000 years. The word "Yoga" is related to the Old English "Yoke". It means union. Traditionally, it means union with the Absolute, called Brahman, or with the True Self, known as Atman. Today, the focus is more on the physical fitness and mental wellness.

There are four type of yoga, namely:


The path of knowledge or wisdom


The path of devotion


The path of action


The path of self-control

In our modern society today, different styles of Yoga are being introduced : Iyengar, Ashtanga, Hatha, Jivamukti, Kripalu, Kundalini, Sivanada to name a few.

Yoga is, in all fundamentals, the science of human personality. It is a self-encompassing science that takes all aspects of human personality into consideration like physical, physiological, emotional, behavioral, environmental, social and human interaction with the supernatural. This is a science that develops through various physical and mental exercises. These are directed towards the development of the muscular-skeletal systems, and also strengthening of the nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, endocrinal system and other organic and biochemical functions of the body. The science of yoga also teaches how to relax all the systems. This practice is of preventive nature so that all systems of the body feel relaxed and do not undergo excessive stress.

Yoga also believes that all negativities prevailing in the human thought process result in many imbalances in all the systems of the human body. These disproportions further result in causing more imbalances in the environment. Since thoughts are considered to be pure energy that does not get dissipated easily, they keep floating around in the universe. If the collective thought process of the world gets distorted it results in causing many calamities both natural and man-made. Yoga is considered to be a deep-rooted philosophy with the ultimate goal of correction of the thought process of the entire human race.

The science of yoga ultimately leads to development of the self and its furtherance into the path of the divine. This paves a path for world peace. So ultimately yoga is a science that can be used for achieving greater goals of world peace and freedom from all the discrepancies and negativities prevailing in society.

Mission & Vision

TRUST YOGA center plans to share our best yoga knowledge with all, regardless of gender, age, religion and nationality. Our sharing comprises Yogic science, asana, pranayama & kriya practices and meditation.

We strive to help all practitioners to attain an equanimous, healthy and balanced lifestyle. We will help you to attain physical fitness, mental clarity, greater self-understanding, stress control and general well being. We emphasize on an integral technique - rhythmic vibration controls breath, breath controls mind and mind controls body. Just by doing regular yoga practice using our master technique, you will see a self transformation. Yoga is a powerful tool. It asks us to bring our attention to our breath, which helps us to still the fluctuations of the mind and be more present in the unfolding of each moment. We will be coaching you to focus on the physical, psychological or spiritual or a combination of three, achieving the union of body, mind and soul.

TRUST Yoga offers minimum 100 regular classes per week comprising flexibility, strength & mind training with breath control. We also offer one-on-one personal training for passionate practitioners who wish to focus on their special needs. Workshops, retreats, and Teachers' training will be organized annually to enrich your yoga journey.

Singapore, by 2030, marches into a super aging society. The setup of TRUST YOGA aims to contribute to the nation by helping all age groups to bond strongly together. For the elderly, we want to help them to build a strong body, clear mind and lifted spirit. For those in their youth, teens and middle age, we would like to help prepare them and make Singapore citizens strong, compassionate, loving, green, gracious, giving, grounded and grateful. Through yoga practice, let's bond the nation one heartedly.

TRUST YOGA, a place for you to tune in, chill out and shape up!

2 FREE Trials For Newcomers!

Looking to sweat out the stress at work? Call us at 6908 7498 and schedule your 2 FREE sessions in our east side outlet at Tampines. We are located at Tampines Point.

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